To All Participating Employers, Mechanical Contractor Employees and Union Members,

As you may know, drug testing in the workplace is imperative for safe-working conditions. As of July 1, 2023, we switched drug testing companies and ScreenSafe, Inc. will now be responsible for all tests.

This policy applies to all employers with an agreement with Chicago Pipefitters Local 597. This also includes all maintenance, sales, clerical, management, owners, and part-time employees working 20 or more hours a week as well as applicants for any such position.

The Policy calls for substance abuse testing in three circumstances:

  1. Systematic computer selected testing
  2. Testing for cause (including post-accident per OSHA requirements).
  3. Accelerated testing.

To guarantee confidentiality every participating employer is asked to select a company Communicator to handle all Program business. Only these Communicators will be informed about any matters concerning testing.

The systematic computer selection testing process works this way. ScreenSafe, Inc., the plan Administrator that has been selected to administer the program, emails/faxes a list of employees that have been selected at random basis to the Communicator. The Communicator is asked to inform these participants that they must report for testing by the end of the next business day. The participant is not contacted if the results are negative.

If the test is positive, the Medical Review Officer (MRO) will contact the participant to

determine a reason for the test positive. If the result is positive, the MRO will instruct the

participant to contact ScreenSafe, Inc. The MRO will also contact ScreenSafe, Inc. and let the Administrator know the results. ScreenSafe, Inc. will give the participant the phone number for the Member Assistance Program (MAP) or the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) so that an evaluation can be scheduled. ScreenSafe, Inc. also calls the Communicator to inform him/her that the participant is unavailable.

The participant is removed from work until the evaluation by the MAP/EAP is completed. Once given notice of “Return to Work” release, ScreenSafe, Inc. will let the participant and the Communicator know of the permission to return to work.

The Program is designed so that those who test positive for substance abuse will get the help they need. If the participant complies with the program, there will be no disciplinary action. If, however, the participant does not comply, disciplinary action, as called for under this Policy will be invoked. This action may include termination.

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